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The adventurers

Super Powers and lots of fun.

It's always a special feeling, working on projects like "The Adventurers".

Create Superhero powers and see the kids’ reactions after they watch.


How did we do it?

Design, Concept and Creation of super powers,

Shields, Freezing Shots, Ice Beams, and more.

All based on Modeling and a lot of controlled Simulation;



What techniques?


.Modeling / Shader / Render


.3D Tracks / Camera Tracks


Who did?

Post Producer: Atomo VFX 
Art direction and supervision: Caio Montanari
Executive Director: Guilherme Correa 
Service: Rafaela Coelho 
Financial Director: Anna Carolina Gomes 
Administrative assistant: Stephany Almeida 
R&D Lead: Roberto Hradec 
Post Production Coordination: Fernanda Nahas 
Post Production and Finalization Supervision: Rafael Zierhofer
3D Lead: Irapoan Inaja
Modeling: Bruno Camiza, Daniel Mussolini and Irapoan Inaja
Animation and Rendering: Bruno Camiza, Daniel Mussolini, Renato Montoro and Irapoan Inaja
Composition: Caio Montanari, Daniel Rotatori, Renato Motoro and Rafael Zierhofer

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